Happy Christmas!
Originally uploaded by Jagosilver.
Today is my dad's birthday, here's Lily Peach dressed up in her party dress and sparkly shoes.
You can see his blog and website here:
Teapot Blog
Andy Titcomb - Teapot Website
Here's me and Lily Peach on my birthday. We went for a walk in the woods at Helland.
a couple of characters for different book I'm working on about two opposing tribes....
an experiment with some characters for a new book....
An experiment in creating foliage....
Experimenting with painting in Photoshop
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Just noticed this on the Mantra site:
The 2006 "Education Show" was held at the NEC in Birmingham,UK. Mantra Lingua's "Little Red Hen and the Grains of Wheat" won the "WOW!" award given by the National Literacy Association (NLA). The book "caught the panel's attention because of its sumptuous illustrations with their determined and joyful appeal which give the familiar text a resonance. Witty, with a juggling cat and a duck on stilts, this will be a favourite in primary classrooms. There is a helpful list of keywords in translation in every edition, so you get a literacy resource for two languages, great for multilingual classroom. Mantra Lingua also won the 2006 EDUCATION RESOURCES AWARD given by BESA for their very innovative "Story Props" range of resources. Story Props work on the basis of extending the learning that can arise for a single story. For example, based on the book "The Buskers of Bremen" the props will include an "interactive literacy" CD Rom for KS1 English, a Board Game, a set of soft toys of characters in the book, an audio CD retelling the story in various language and a big book for whole class teaching. Story props are great for matching various learning styles and extend a simple story to numerous learning uses. (BESA is British Education Suppliers Authority and is the prominent representative of the Education Publishing world.) |
technorati tags:mantralingua, mantra lingua, award, little red hen, review
Blogged with Flock
With hints of fairy tales run amok, Myron’s Magic Cow is peopled by whimsical characters set in the framework of everyday life in the city as a little boy sets out to buy milk for his mother’s morning pancakes. Five dollars clutched in his hand, Myron trudges the familiar blocks (with brilliant illustrations by artist Jago) until he meets a girl with curly blonde hair pulling a cow by a rope: “You need milk and I need money- so let’s cut a deal.” Hinting at the adventures ahead (the three bears waiting in the car), the girl trades Myron the cow for the five dollars and is on her way, leaving Myron to ponder the wisdom of his decision. Myron pushes and pulls the uncooperative cow home, ignoring the stares as he passes, at a loss for how to transform this very large animal into the milk his mother needs. Much to his surprise, when Myron utters the magic word, “please”, the cow speaks. Myron’s decision is about to be rewarded by the amazing possibilities revealed by the cow. Thereafter the story evolves into the realm of fantasy and imagination, Myron’s world transformed and his perceptions of reality changed by the magic behind the mundane. With its whimsical story and outstanding illustrations, this wonderful book explores the parameters of the imagination and the infinite boundaries of fantasy. Myron’s Magic Cow is a product of a contemporary press, Barefoot Books, celebrating “art and story with books that open the hearts and minds of children from all walks of life, inspiring them to read deeper, search further and explore their own creative gifts.” Not to be missed! | | ||||||||||||
Luan Gaines/2006 for curled up with a good kid's book |
technorati tags:myron, review, marlene newman, barefoot books, myrons magic cow, jago, jagollustration, illustration, illustrator
Blogged with Flock
My dad featured in the Western Morning News because of his world renowned Teapot Blog as mentioned below. Here he is sitting on a chair I made whn I was about 12, holding my mum's laptop, which he definitely doesn't use to blog with....
Andy Titcomb, 51, a potter based in the North Cornwall village of St Mabyn, has been making teapots since the late 1970s. Such is Mr Titcomb's devotion to his craft, he set up a blog called Teapots, Teapots, Teapots in June last year.
"Being a teapot-maker, I wanted to help promote interest in teapots and no one else was doing it," says the Exeter Art College graduate.
Recent posts on the colourful site include "dragon handle" teapots coming up for auction around the world, an unlikely "rocker on a motorbike" available on eBay for £36, and "The Ugliest Teapot in the World?" which features a battered silver teapot typically found at a church fete.
Mr Titcomb reckons the blog attracts as many as 300 readers a day, primarily from the US. On occasion there has been a bumper readership - a common feature when blogs are linked by counterparts that boast a premier league audience.
Mr Titcomb says: "My website was mentioned on author Neil Gaiman's (science fiction and fantasy novelist) blog and I had more than 3,000 visitors to my site in a few hours. My Internet service provider took my website down because of the large volume of traffic."Teapots, Teapots, Teapots is indicative of how simple the technology is.
Mr Titcomb says he read about the rise of blogging one day and set up his own forum the next. He posts new entries every day - and within 20 minutes he is back at the potter's wheel.
The author of my first commissioned work, multi-award winning, Geraldine McCaughrean seems to have a new website.
Here's what she says about Fig's Giant:
"It's Gulliver in Lilliput... but seen through the eyes of a Lilliputian child. A first picture book by JAGO - the newest, most talked-about talent on the art scene"
It is a book that has been one of the best-kept secrets in theliterary world, its contents zealously guarded by legally bindingconfidentiality agreements. Those in the know were sworn to secrecy,while its eventual publication is due to attract much ceremony.
But now, just six weeks before readers around the world are due tolearn what happens to Peter Pan, Wendy and the Lost Boys, the lid hasbeen lifted - if only partially - on the contents of Peter Pan inScarlet, the long-awaited and officially sanctioned sequel to J MBarrie's children's classic.
A copy of the manuscript, written by the award-winning Britishchildren's author Geraldine McCaughrean, has been leaked to The NewYork Times, which has published a summary of the plot..... Read More
St Mabyn Village News: St.Mabyn 1907
Heres a view of the part of St Mabyn we live in, in 1907. Our house is in the row of three facing the pub. You can only see the end gable of No.3 in this photo, directly under the church tower. Between the church and the pub you can just make out the Church Steps that our house is named after.
technorati tags:stmabyn, jagoillustration, cornwall, village, 1907, history, snow
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.... here's me trying (in vain) to get some work done, with a Peach on my shoulder. She's not usually that peaceful looking....
Just came across a few old paintings in one of my college sketchbooks. They maybe useful for a new book I'm starting, involving two opposing tribes....
These were painted with actual paint...!
...although the reviewer seems to have missed the point somewhat. They say that the books are really better suited to being read by parents to children.... as if that's a bad thing. However, that is specifically what the books are designed for. The font size varies to indicate points of emphasis in the text and they are written to sound as close to a real performance of the text as possible....
Otherwise, a good review!
Buy them on my site on the shop page, or direct from the author at:
A week or so ago, we heard a loud bang come from our kitchen, which sounded just as if someone ha thrown something aainst the window.
Iwent to look and found this bird in the floor. It twitched a couple of times, then lay still....
I put it in the hedge at the edge of the churchyard (2 feet from our back gate). The following morning it was gone , with a trail of feathers leading back into the brambles.
Anyone know what sort of bird it is? It looks Finchy to me.....
The author of the Jesus Storybook Bible (my latest work) has a new website. Witty text, slick design and best of all it features one of my books :~)
technorati tags:illustration, illustrator, jago, jagoillustration, sally lloyd-jones, author, bible, jesus
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