... and you should visit it! (click on the image below)
He's planning on posting new sketches daily, something I failed miserably at, let's hope he's better at it than me. I certainly look forward to seeing more of the same...
Here's a recent illustration for Lord of the Flies. Slightly different technique used here, incorporating some methods I used to use at college (dark tree like texture applied to whole image, then erased in a scribbly fashion with v small eraser brush).
Bible wins Gold at the Independent Publishers Moonbeam Awards!
Very pleased that the bible I spent a long time illustrating has won an award, (click below to read more about the awards). This coincides nicely with the book's 2nd print run, which brings the total number of books in print to 61,000! Independent Publisher Moonbeam Awards
Congrata-bloomin-lations to my little sister Jen and her husband Tom, here's the wedding card I made them. They are both working in theatre and got married in one, hence the theme....
I've never used scraper-board before but was inspired to do so after browsing Jim Bradshaw's (fellow SFG-er and excellent illustrator) new site and blog. He mentioned using Painter's scraper-board tool and I realised I never had, here's what I came up with:
The Jesus Storybook Bible has moved up to number 4 on the Christian Marketplace Best Sellers chart, this is great news as this is based on only the first couple of months of sales. If it keeps going at this rate we'll be at No 1 by the end of the summer (the current No 1 has however sold over 5 million copies in total so it maybe be a tough one to beat!).
The Tea Appreciation Society have included a link to my work on their new website, in their I Love Art section. It's a great website with some great products for sale so go and check it out....
Illustrations for an educational anthology by Harcourt, these are for a Kiowa folk tale about how the sun came to be in the sky. I'm really pleased with how they turned out, and I finished them a week ahead of schedule.
This is a repost of an earlier one that Blogger somehow screwed up....
Pocket sketchbook Here's some more sketches from my pocket sized skecthbook. I have a part-time job in our local shop (for local people), and I've started drawing in this during quiet times....
Taken today, just after she woke up from her afternoon nap. She's wearing a French dress recently brought back from the Ile de Re by the Grand-Parentals.
Here's a quick painting I did in the last 20 mins, just trying things out in Painter and then taking it through to Photoshop.... it wasn't going to be a self portrait but somehow lots of my sketches end up as one...
The bible I illustrated has made it to number 7 on the Christian Marketplace bestellers list for June. This list is based on sales for April which was the first month of sales for this book....
Here's some more sketches from my pocket sized skecthbook. I have a part-time job in our local shop (for local people), and I've started drawing in this during quiet times....